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Policy on the use of cookies and other similar technologies

Policy for Using Cookies and Other Similar Technologies
Using cookies and other similar technologies uses cookies to collect certain information from all users of the e-store, including non-registered users who do not use the services provided by Cookies are small text files comprising of letters and digits, which are stored on your computer, mobile phone or other communication user device through which you access the internet. Cookies are installed via a request submitted from the device of the user to the server of or a third party server.
The Privacy Policy is an addition to the policy in respect to personal data protection as a whole. You can find it at here  and the Terms and Conditions of the site you can find here. We recommend you read these since they provide further useful information, including in respect to all purposes for processing personal data by, your rights as well as their limitations and exclusions, etc.
The cookies provide information for the usage of the e-store and user data, which can be used for the personalization of the user experience as well as for tracking user traffic patterns. For example: When a user returns to, the cookies identify the user and prompt to fill in the user's username (without the password) so that the access to the web site can be facilitated. The cookies also allow to remind the user about previous activities and offer him/her similar items and events. Furthermore, giftpacks.eug uses information collected via cookies to develop the statistical analyses for the e-store usage, such as the time spent by users in the e-store and the pages they visit the most. These summarized statistical data does not include personal information.
By agreeing to use, users give their express consent to using cookies. If the users prefer not to receive cookies, while browsing in or via HTML formatted emails, they can opt out by setting their browser to inform them before accepting a cookie or declining when cookies are present. Furthermore, users can decline all cookies by turning them off from the settings of their internet browser.
